: Humane Ai Pin 1.0 Today, the first public reviews about the Humane Ai Pin are now available for you all to read, In my …

: Thoughts on Twitter Verification Do you trust a tweet? Well, here’s what’s in one: a display name, the “human readable” name. …

: Over the horizon of the lagoon After I finished my morning coffee with my wife, I looked at Twitter. I found a link to this essay …

: On watches, chicken vases, and the value of things Some of you may know that I’ve taken an interest in mechanical watches, and I have been putting …

: Lunch with Om Malik There’s something charmingly unmodern about correspondence describing a lunch with a new …

: Stopping Time: An Appreciation of Objective-C I woke up and looked at the clock. 3:15 AM. I had a clear picture in my mind to make something new. …

: In the story of writing and literacy, numeracy came first. People wanted to count and track …

: A virtual tightrope walk while wearing blinders. That characterizes my experience using software …